This is the first in a trilogy of Mexican Vampire Films by director Miguel Morayta and tells the story of Count Siegfried Von Frankenhausen who becomes a vampire and takes over the entire haunted hacienda converting the villagers into the undead and creatures of the night. Based on the stories of the famous Count Cagliostro whose family has tried to rid the world of vampires, sending a student Dr. to destroy Count Frankenhausen. The sequals that follow this film are (The Invasion of The Vampires) and (The World of The Vampires) which are available on this website. B/W from 1962 both the Uncut Spanish Version with English Subtitles and the K Gordon Murray English Dubbed Version on DVD-R. NOTE** Please Specify Which Version you would like.
The Bloody Vampire (El Vampiro Sangriento) 1962