We have a new secret agent in town! his name, Mike Gold is trying to nail a terrorist spy ring who he believes killed his partner. His investigation takes him to Beirut where he is ensnared by a faux-damsel in distress called Jane. "You Only Die Once" (Si Muore Solo Una Volta) is an Italien Eurospy film with American actor Ray Danton in the lead role. Danton is no new name to Eurospy films as he appeared in over 10 films in the European spy genre. Danton went to Europe to star in Sandokan to the Rescue (1964) which was popular enough for a sequel Return of Sandokan (1964). He stayed in Europe to make Code Name: Jaguar (1965), He returned to the USA to guest star in Honey West and The Man from UNCLE then went back to Europe to make Secret Agent Super Dragon (1966), How to Win a Billion... and Get Away with It (1967), Si Muore Solo Una Volta (You Only Die Once) an Italien James Bond type Thriller (1967), Lucky, el intrépido (1967), Hello Glen Ward, House Dick (1968), and Die grosse Treibjagd (1969). Si Muore Solo Una Volta we have one of Danton’s more obscure Eurospy efforts. As far as I am aware, it was never released in an English language version – although it could have been re-edited and repackaged, and re-named for American television by someone like American International Pictures, who so often picked up packages of films from Europe and re-jigged them to suit their scheduling (it wasn’t just the Hercules films that received this special treatment) – although I can find no information to back this up. Great film!! recommended, starring Ray Danton, and Pamela Tudor, Italien Version with English Subtitles. 1967 Color Widescreen Version 77 Minutes on DVD-R.
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